Who I'm not
For those of you wondering, there seem to be several Bowmans and even Randy Bowmans in the world. I assure you that I'm none of them, I'm just a normal person (in some sense of the word, anyway.) I'm not the cyclist, a member of the Subhumans, the other one on blogger, the linux one, and I'm not related to the template designer. Just to settle your wondering minds.
Just curious if you could help me with finding some pluh ins for World Wind. Or maybe you can tell me, if it is possible to zoom in far enough to see neighborhoods, or possibly even house.
Or if maybe there are some areas you can download for closer looks.
Hopefully you arent too busy.
Anonymous, at May 28, 2006 8:44 PM
Goodness, my comments were ugly. They're not too bad now, anyway.
But as for the question: sure, there are a couple places.
First there is World Wind Central the community-run site that has a list of add-ons and plugins to get you started. The World Wind Forums are another place to look for add-ons, and the forums are a great place to ask questions, get more familiar with World Wind, and even suggest ideas for or get tips on creating some addons or plugins.
As for resolution, if you live in the US, you can see neighborhoods and somewhat grainy houses and streets by selecting the USGS B/W Ortho from your toolbar. If you live in a "big city" like Seattle, SanFransisco, Dallas, Louisville - the coverage is sort of sporadic - you can get even better imagery through the USGS Urban Area Ortho, which is color and better resolution so you can make out cars. You may want to check out the Walkthrough and the linked walkthroughs at the bottom of that page, especially "Using USGS layers" and the Whirlwind tour.
World Wind 1.3.5, the latest version, includes the ZoomIt! Addon, which incorporates hi-res imagery of other areas, such as New York City and much of New Zealand.
The reason the imagery is so sporadic is that World Wind uses only free imagery - free to share as well - and sources of such imagery are few and far between. The Free Earth Foundation, sprung from World Wind, works to gather this imagery - resulting in more imagery being available. You may want to also check out the OneEarth Addon.
Wow, sorry to be so long-winded. Oh well.
Ell Bradshaw, at May 29, 2006 10:26 PM